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Pre Referral Management of a Woman with Abnormal Pregnancy Labour and Puerperium Questions For NMT Nta Level 5 Nursing And Midwifery

These are Pre Referral Management of a Woman with Abnormal Pregnancy Labour and Puerperium Questions For nmt nta level 5 nursing and midwifery course. These are collection of questions from different previously past paper. You can help by solving those questions below, and you can try it to download below

       Define puerperal sepsis

       What are the causes of puerperal sepsis

       What are the signs and symptoms of puerperal sepsis

       What is maternal distress?

       What are the signs and symptoms of maternal

       What is the pre -referral management of foetal distress?

       What is prolonged labour?

       What is obstructed labour?

       How can you diagnose prolonged and obstructed labour?

       What is the pre-referral management of prolonged and obstructed labour?

       What is placenta previa?

       What is abruptio placenta?

       What are the signs and symptoms of placenta previa?

       What are the signs and symptoms of abruptio placenta

       What is the pre-referral management of placenta previa?

       What is abortion?

       What are the types of abortion?

       What is the pre-referral management of inevitable abortion?

       What is the difference between pre- eclampsia and eclampsia?

       What are the principles of managing Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

       What is traverse lie?

       What is breech presentation?

       How do we diagnose breech presentation?

       What is the pre-referral management of a client with transverse lie?

       What is the pre -referral management of foetal distress?

       What is prolonged labour?

       What is obstructed labour?

       How can you diagnose prolonged and obstructed labour?

       What is the pre-referral management of prolonged and obstructed labour?

       What is placenta previa?

       What is abruptio placenta?

       What are the signs and symptoms of placenta previa?

       What are the signs and symptoms of abruptio placenta

       What is the pre-referral management of placenta previa?

       What is abortion?





       MoHSW (2008). Emergency obstetric care job aid. .

       MoHSW (2013). Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment Training Manual.

       MoHSW. (2005). Advanced Life Saving Skills Volume 2 Training Manual.

       MoHSW (2007). Tanzania National PMTCT Guidelines.

       Ruth. V.B. & Linda .K.B.(1996). Myles Textbook for Midwives, (12thEd) Churchill Livingstone Edinburg   London Madrid Melbourne New York and Tokyo

       WHO Family planning (2011). A Global Handbook for Providers. United States Agency for International   Development USAIDS.


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