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Care of a Woman in Normal Labour and Puerperium Question For NMT Nta Level 5 nusrising and midwifery

These are Care of a Woman in Normal  Labour and Puerperium Question For nmt nta level 5 nursising and midwifery course. These are collection of questions from different previously past paper. You can help by solving those questions below, and you can try it to download below

       What are the physiological changes during pregnancy?

       What are the maternal mood changes during pregnancy?

       What is the purpose of the active management of the third stage of labour?

        What are the steps of the active management of the third stage of labour

        Explain two methods of placenta separation

       What are the indications of episiotomy?

       What are the complications of episiotomy and perineal tear?

       What is the mechanism of normal labour?

       What are the physiological changes during normal labour?

       What are the equipments needed for delivery of the baby?

       What is a partograph?

       Why is partograph important?

       What are symbols used to plot strengths of uterine contractions on the partograph?

       Define the term labour

       List 3 signs of true labour

       What is the normal duration of  active phase of  first stage of labour.

       What are the steps of the active management of the third stage of labour

        Explain two methods of placenta separation

       What are the indications of episiotomy?

       What are the complications of episiotomy and perineal tear?

       What is the mechanism of normal labour?







       Fraser, D, M., Cooper, M. A., & Nolte, A. G. (2006). Myles textbook for midwives

       (African ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

       Fraser, D, M., Cooper, M. A., & Nolte, A. G. (2010). Myles textbook for midwives

       (African ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

       Tiran, D. (2003). Bailliere’s midwives dictionary (10th ed.). Bailliere Tindall.

       Fraser, D, M., Cooper, M. A., & Nolte, A. G. (2006). Myles textbook for midwives

       (African ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

       Fraser, D, M., Cooper, M. A., & Nolte, A. G. (2010). Myles textbook for midwives

       (African ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

       MOHSW. (2008). Focused antenatal care, malaria and syphilis in pregnancy: Learner’s

       guide for ANC service providers and supervisors.


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