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Community Health Nursing Questions For NMT Nta Level 5 Nursing AAnd Midwifery

These are Community Health Nursing Questions For nmt nta level 5 nursing and midwifery course. These are collection of questions from different previously past paper. You can help by solving those questions below, and you can try it to download below

       What are epidemiological data?

       What are the sources of epidemiological data?

       How can epidemiological data be collected?

       What parts of basic community health intervention plan?

       What are things to consider when Conducting Physical Examination for GBV Adult Survivor?

       Students to prepare a 30 minutes education session on the prevention of GBV and VAC in the community

       What is safety plan?

       What are things to consider when developing a safety plan of a survivor?

       What are the level of prevention on GBV and VAC?

       What are the roles of service providers in managing survivors of GBV and VAC?

       What are things to consider when obtaining consent to GBV and VAC survivor?

       What are types of GBV and VAC?

       What are the effects of GBV and VAC?

       What are the effects of power imbalances with regard to GBV and VAC?

       What is CBHC?

       What are the advantages of CBHC?

       What are the PHC strategies?

       What are the elements of PHC?

       What are the basic principles of PHC?

       What is disease prevention?

       Mention three levels of prevention of diseases

       How can community be involved in disease prevention?

       What is screening?

       What are the principles of screening?

       What are the types of screening?

       What is evaluation in relation to community health?

       What are purposes of evaluation in relation to community health?

       What are types of evaluation in relation to community health intervention?

       Define implementation in relation to community health?

       Explain the factors influencing implementation in the community?

       What are the strategies used for implementation of interventions in the community?

       What is planning?

       What are steps involved in planning process?

       What are the types of community health diagnosis?

       What are steps in conducting community diagnosis?

       What are the characteristics of the community?

       What are the roles of community health nurse?

       What are the principles of community health?

       What is community need assessment?

       What are the three types of needs?

       What is the guideline for conducting community needs assessment?

       What are the two (2) importance of demography?

       What are the two types of census?

       What are the elements of demography?




       Basavanthappa, B.T.(2008): Community health nursing (2nd ed.), New Delhi: Jaypee

       Anderson E.T,& McFarlane J.,(2011) Community as partner: Theory and practice in nursing (6th ed.).  Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

       Stanhope M.,& Lancaster J., (2014) Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (8thed.). Missouri: Mosby

       URT (2015-16.)Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey

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